Saturday, January 15, 2011

NEW YEARS PARTY TIPS: Feel like your yum is going to your tum?

NEW YEARS PARTY TIPS: Feel like your yum is going to your tum?
by Tracy Adler
Ringing in the New Year often takes place by attending parties and making New Year’s resolutions. More often then not, a person’s weight is front and center during this time of year. People are flooded with health club promotions and weight loss programs. There are some tips people can take that will result in improved wellness year-round and it starts with portion control and tips to fall into the snack trap.
Here are some of my other tips to get through the New Year.
  1. When attending a New Years Eve party that does not include a dinner, consider eating a small healthy meal at home first. When you visit the appetizer and dessert table later that night, allow yourself to sample two or three small items on the buffet.
  2. Approach alcohol as though it were a dessert. You probably wouldn't go to a party and eat 3 pieces of cake, so limit your adult beverage consumption. Ask for ½ a glass at a time. You can also offer to be a designated driver, this will not only save your waistline but provide a valuable service to someone you love.
  3. Use your New Years Resolution to do something 'greater than yourself'. You should be committed to good health 365 days a year so don't waste a good resolution on things you can work on year around. Instead, get your mind off yourself and volunteer your time to a local non-profit agency.
  4. If you've been ignoring your health, go ahead and set a small health-minded goal. New Years Resolutions are great as long as you set goals that are attainable. Instead of saying you want to lose 30 lbs this year, try setting a goal for 5 lbs before April 30th. Smaller goals are easier for you to get your mind around and when you reach the goal, you have a 'success' to further motivate you.
  5. The only thing worse than a failed New Years Resolution, is the one that cost you hundreds of dollars. Skip the lower fee of an annual fitness membership and test your resolve with a trial membership.  Most facilities will allow for a shorter commitment. If your resolution is to learn a new sport or to play an instrument, consider buying used equipment. You can upgrade membership and equipment as a reward for completing the trial period or for learning to play.
  6. Laugh in the face of those gray winter days. Don't let them keep you wrapped in a blanket in front of the TV. If previous exercise efforts have been unsuccessful or short lived, do something new. If you've always wanted to learn the Tango, now's the time. It may not burn calories as fast as an aerobics class but it will keep you off the couch! And the success of finishing the class could inspire you - physically and mentally - to become even more active.
  7. Winter can be dismal enough without having to cut out your favorite "comfort foods"!  Instead of prohibiting certain snacks, limit the portions. A 4oz. Yum Yum Dish is a great way to keep the winter 'blahs' away. These colorful little ceramic dishes allow you to eat what you want… in moderation.   
About the Author:
Tracy Adler is a restaurant owner and mother of two. She created Yum Yum Dishes™ to help parents teach their children about correct portion size and is a strong advocate in the fight against childhood obesity. For more, visit

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