Sunday, August 29, 2010

Indian Model Posing in Designer Saree

Indian Model Posing in Designer Saree
Indian Model Posing in Designer Saree
Indian Model Posing in Designer Saree


I have just read your lousy review. You sound like a frustrated old man who never made a success, an eight ulcer man on a four ulcer job...I have never met you but if I do, you'll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes, and a supporter below.
~ Harry S. Truman
(to critic Paul Hume after his unflattering review of daughter Margaret's singing recital)

I want to reach that condensation of sensations that constitutes a picture.
~ Henri Matisse, Notes d'un peintre, 1908

Coughing in the theater is not a respiratory ailment. It is a criticism.
~ Alan Jay Lerner

If you're photographing in color you show the color of their clothes - if you use black and white, you will show the color of their soul.
~ Author Unknown

Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi

Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi
Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi
Indian God - Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi


While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see.
~ Dorothea Lange

Art is indeed not the bread but the wine of life.
~ Jean Paul Richter

Imitation is the sincerest form of television.
~ Fred Allen

Poets do not go mad; but chess-players do. Mathematicians go mad, and cashiers; but creative artists very seldom.
~ Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Orthodoxy

Splinter Cell Double Agent - Game Wallpaper

Splinter Cell Double Agent - Game Wallpaper
Splinter Cell Double Agent - Game Wallpaper
Splinter Cell Double Agent - Game Wallpaper


A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence.
~ Leopold Stokowski

One of the best things about paintings is their silence - which prompts reflection and random reverie.
~ Mark Stevens

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
~ Berthold Auerbach

God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant and the cat. He has no real style. He just goes on trying other things.
~ Pablo Picasso

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ford to Close Mercury Division by End of 2010

Most American automakers recovered but was not able to save  Ford Motor Co.'s Mercury brand. Ford announced that it will shut down the struggling Mercury division by end of the year, which accounts for about 5% of Ford sales.

Mercury's demise follows some other famous American nameplates that was sold, discontinued or closed. Like General Motors Co.'s Pontiac, Saturn and Hummer.

"We have made tremendous progress on profitably growing the Ford brand during the past few years. Now it is time to do the same for Lincoln," said Mark Fields, Ford's president of the Americas.

Some say closing Mercury will help Lincoln, which trails to its German and Japanese counterparts.  "Lincoln needs to be more youthful, and it needs to be a luxury brand with sex appeal, and it doesn't have those characteristics right now," said Rebecca Lindland, an auto industry analyst at IHS Global Insight.

Ford stated on its website: "Ford will continue to provide existing and future Mercury owners with parts and service support at Ford and Lincoln dealers, and honor current warranties and Ford’s Extended Service Plans."

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Philippine Police's Stupid and Insensitive Photos

Shameless Philippine Police officers taking picture of the hostage taking area

What the??? Even the SOCO team who is investigating the incident cannot resist taking pictures of the scene.

This is a joke! Now you can see how stupid some of the Philippine policemen are.

Philippine Hostage Crisis : What Went Wrong?

Mistake 1: Hostage Taker Mendoza asks for a media representative to interview him and share his demands but was denied.

Mistake 2: One of the Hostage Negotiator was the vice mayor of Manila. A former Philippine actor with no experience whatsoever in these situations.

Mistake 3: The Philippine Police did not made an effort to contain the area and give certain safe-zones for media and civilians.

Mistake 4: The Philippine Police did not use
the the freed hostages efficiently to update or come up with a strategy.

Mistake 5: The Philippine Police arrested the brother of the hostage taker. In front of live television. Which the gunman saw on the on-board TV in the bus. Provoking him to fire his M-16.

Mistake 6: Philippine Police shot the Bus's tires, aggravating the hostage taker even further. 

Mistake 7: They assaulted the bus basing and without confirming what a confused and scared driver saying all the hostages are dead. 

Mistake 8: There was no media black out when the decided to assault the bus. Which removes the element of surprise.

Mistake 9: The Philippine Police did not send the SWAT to assault the bus, which was its purpose. But I doubt there would be any difference. 

Mistake 10: The Philippine Police foolishly smashed windows, doors and windshields with a hammer, causing the hostage taker to fire shots and making him confused even more.

Mistake 11: By the looks of the movement of the Philippine Police during assault, there was no Plan B, C or D. Just plan A. So when Plan A failed, all of them didn't know what to do and just did what's the first thing came to their empty heads. 

Mistake 12: The Philippine Police did not plan for the worst. Which I think is a must with this kinds of situations. The Philippine Police should have asks lot of "WHAT IFs". What if negotiations fails? What if a hostage is shot? What if the hostage taker decide to move the bus? What if he shoots warning shots? What if there's a TV in the bus? If the Philippine Police asked these questions, maybe, just maybe the worst could have been avoided.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Miss Universe Pageant 2010 Finalists and Winner

Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete was crowned Miss Universe 2010, replacing Miss Universe 2009 Stefania Fernandez. Miss Jamaica (Yendi Phillipps) was named first runner-up. Miss Australia (Jesinta Campbell) was second runner-up and Miss Ukraine (Anna Poslavska) was third runner-up. Our very own Miss Philippines (Venus Raj) fourth runner-up. And finally Miss Puerto Rico (Mariana Paola Vicente) as one of the top 5 finalists.
This year's pageant was in the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas hosted by Natalie Morales and Bret Michaels. The top five tried their best to impress the panel of celebrity judges in the question and answer portion.

Raj, 22 was asked by judge William Baldwin,
"What is one big mistake that you've made in your life and what did you do to make it right?"

"Thank you so much, Sir for that wonderful question," she says and then greets the audience, met by wild cheering.

"You know what, Sir in my 22 years of existence I can say that there is nothing major major, I mean, problem that I have done in my life. Because I am very confident with my family, with the love that they are giving to me. So, thank you so much that I am here, thank you thank you so much," she answered.

Source: GMANews.TV

Monday, August 23, 2010

Jayam Ravi And Tamannah from Tamil Movie Thillalangadi

Jayam Ravi And Tamannah from Tamil Movie Thillalangadi
Jayam Ravi And Tamannah from Tamil Movie Thillalangadi
Jayam Ravi And Tamannah from Tamil Movie Thillalangadi.

Tamil Movie Thillalangadi - Memory Laasu Song Lyrics
Tamil Movie Thillalangadi - Thoathu Poanen Song Lyrics
Tamil Movie Thillalangadi - Idhama Karaigiradhey Song Lyrics
Tamil Movie Thillalangadi - Pattu Pattu Pattaapoochi Song Lyrics
Tamil Movie Thillalangadi - Ah Ding Dinga Ding Song Lyrics
Tamil Movie Thillalangadi - Solppechu Ketkaadha Song Lyrics


Often while traveling with a camera we arrive just as the sun slips over the horizon of a moment, too late to expose film, only time enough to expose our hearts.
~ Minor White

A photograph is usually looked at - seldom looked into.
~ Ansel Adams

All deep things are song. It seems somehow the very central essence of us, song; as if all the rest were but wrappages and hulls!
~ Thomas Carlyle

Art hath an enemy called ignorance.
~ Ben Jonson

If the King loves music, it is well with the land.
~ Mencius

Printed Cotton Kaftan Dress

Printed Cotton Kaftan Dress
Printed Cotton Kaftan Dress
Female Model posing in Printed Cotton Kaftan Dress


What garlic is to salad, insanity is to art.
~ Augustus Saint-Gaudens

Without music life would be a mistake.
~ Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Art... does not take kindly to facts, is helpless to grapple with theories, and is killed outright by a sermon.
~ Agnes Repplier, Points of View, 1891

Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons. You will find it is to the soul what a water bath is to the body.
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

Two Worlds Game Wallpaper

Two Worlds Game Wallpaper
Two Worlds Game Wallpaper
Two Worlds Game Wallpaper


Art disturbs, science reassures.
~ Georges Braque, Le Jour et la nuit

There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer.
~ Ansel Adams
The world just does not fit conveniently into the format of a 35mm camera.
~ W. Eugene Smith

If a composer could say what he had to say in words he would not bother trying to say it in music.
~ Gustav Mahler

Philippine Hostage Crisis Ends Badly

Philippine security forces ended a 11 hour hostage crisis yesterday with 8 Hong Kong nationals and the gunman dead. This dramatic hostage crisis unfolded live on global television. The day-long ordeal on Monday began when a ex-policeman,  former senior police inspector Rolando Mendoza, armed with an M-16 assault rifle hijacked the bus in Manila's tourist district in a desperate bid to get his job back.

Negotiations broke down after nightfall when the gunman, former senior police inspector Rolando Mendoza, began shooting, supposedly because he saw his brother being arrested by the Philippine National Police. Special Forces were forced to storm the bus to stop the gunman.

"I shot two Chinese. I will finish them all if they do not stop," Mendoza told a
local radio station as the police assault was about to get under way.
While watching the live broadcast of all local TV networks, I can see that Philippine SWAT, Special Forces, PNP are not organized and not fully equipped. They even had a practice with a identical bus a few hours before storming the bus. 

Yet, after waiting more than 10 hours to launch their assault, police were then unable to get inside the bus for another 90 minutes. Finally someone thought of throwing a tear gas. That resulted to Mendoza going to the front of the bus giving opportunity for a sniper to shoot him and end this long hostage crisis.

One of the survivors hit out at the Philippine authorities, saying they acted too slowly.
A former commander of France's elite hostage rescue unit criticised the police assault as "badly prepared and risky".

The officers who stormed the bus did not have specialist training and "visibly lacked adequate equipment and tactical competence," said Frederic Gallois, the former head of France's National Gendarmerie Intervention Group.

This incident is a disgrace to our country. The whole world watched as our "finest" police handled the situation. They provoked the gunman by arresting his brother, they provoked him again with so many attempts to storm the bus. They were not organized and had no strategy whatsoever on how to get inside the bus even with prior training with an identical bus. This is what we Filipinos always say and I think is applicable to what happened. "BAHALA NA" strategy. I know our dear President Noynoy Aquino would defend our Police's actions, but the whole world saw it. There is no excuse. Apology is must.

Mendoza, 55, was honoured by police chiefs in 1986 as one of the top 10 officers in the country. But he was discharged in 2008 for his alleged involvement in drug-related crimes and extortion and hijacked the bus in a bid to clear his name, according to police.

The Hong Kong government warned all its citizens to avoid travelling to the Philippines, and expressed grief over the killings. Flags on Hong Kong government buildings will fly at half mast on Tuesday as a mark of respect for the victims.

The Chinese foreign minister, Yang Jiechi, telephoned his Philippine counterpart Alberto Romulo to express Beijing's shock and demand a thorough investigation, China's official Xinhua news agency said.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Telugu Actress Nikesha Patel

Telugu Actress Nikesha Patel
Telugu Actress Nikesha Patel
Photoshop digital art of Telugu Actress Nikesha Patel


Art is the struggle to understand.
~ Audrey Foris

Why waste money on psychotherapy when you can listen to the B Minor Mass?
~ Michael Torke

As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life.
~ John Lubbock

And the night shall be filled with music,
And the cares that infest the day
Shall fold their tents like the Arabs
And as silently steal away.
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Day Is Done

Telugu Actress Ramya Nambeesan

Telugu Actress Ramya Nambeesan image
Telugu Actress Ramya Nambeesan
Photoshop digital art of Telugu Actress Ramya Nambeesan


It is frequently the tragedy of the great artist, as it is of the great scientist, that he frightens the ordinary man.
~ Loren Eiseley, The Night Country, 1971

He who sings scares away his woes.
~ Cervantes

Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships.
~ Ansel Adams

I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it.
~ Author Unknown

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Philippine Tollway Fees Increase Effective Next Week

Imposition of the value-added tax (VAT) on tolls will push through next week as scheduled, with users of the South Luzon Expressway (SLEx) to be hit particularly hard based on adjusted fees approved by regulators.

The Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) on Saturday detailed new charges for six Luzon tollways. The higher tolls -- which take into account the 12% VAT -- take effect beginning 10 p.m. on August 16, the date that SLEx adjustments approved earlier this year are also set to be imposed.

For users of the highway -- the main route to industrial zones south of Metro Manila -- the two adjustments mean tolls will nearly quadruple.

Here are the list of toll increases: 

The biggest increases will be at the SLEx. In particular, entering Alabang and exiting at Calamba
  • Class 1 vehicles -- cars or jeepneys --  will have to pay P85, almost four times more than the current P22. 
  • Class 2 vehicles -- light trucks and buses -- will rise to P170 from P43
  • Class 3 vehicles -- trailers/large trucks will be P255 instead of P65.

"For SLEx, it is inclusive of the 250% increase approved by TRB sometime in May and the 12% VAT," the agency’s spokesman, Julius G. Corpuz, told BusinessWorld Sunday.

Motorists taking the elevated Skyway -- which connects to the SLEx -- exiting at Filinvest will have to shell out: 
  • cars and jeepneys  P112 instead of P100. 
  • light trucks/buses will go up to P224 from P200 
  • heavy trucks/trailers will be P336 instead of P300.

Skyway rates were last adjusted in July 2009.

At the North Luzon Expressway (NLEx) where the last toll hike was in July 2008, entering through Balintawak and exiting at Dau
  • cars or jeepneys  will have to pay P195 from P174 previously. 
  • The bus/truck rate will be P487, up from P435 
  • Large trucks and trailers will be P585 instead of P522.

As for cars and jeepneys using the R-1 (Radial Road 1) Expressway segment of the Manila-Cavite Toll Expressway, the fee has been adjusted to P25 from P22. The last toll hike for this road took effect January 2009.

Drivers of Class 1 vehicles entering the Sto. Tomas end of the Southern Tagalog Arterial Road (STAR) -- where a toll hike was implemented just last month -- will have to start paying P67 when exiting at Balagtas, Batangas, up from the current P60, while those on Class 2 vehicles will pay P134, up from P120. The Class 3 rate will be P200 instead of P179.

At the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEx) -- last rate hike, April 2008 -- the new rates for the Tipo to Tarlac stretch are: Class I, P203 from P181; Class 2, P407 from P363; and Class 3, P609 instead of P544.

SLEX to enforce 250% Toll Hike in August

The increase in toll rates at the South Luzon Expressway (SLEX) of up to 250 percent is inevitable and will be collected from motorists on Aug. 16, an official said yesterday.

Julius Corpuz, spokesperson of the Toll Regulatory Board (TRB), said the South Luzon Tollways Corp. (SLTC), operator of the SLEX, has already declared its intention to impose the higher fees by that date.

“The new toll (rates) for the SLEX, from Alabang to the Calamba section, is set to be implemented by the SLTC on Aug. 16 after they deferred it a second time early this month,” Corpuz told The STAR.

“Those toll fees were agreed upon by the government and the concessionaire (SLTC),” Velasco said. “Stopping them from imposing their toll fee hikes would be a breach of contract.”

The toll hike will result in owners of Class 1 vehicles having to pay P77 from the current rate of P22 for the use of the 29-kilometer Alabang-Calamba expressway.

Class 2 and 3 vehicles will pay P155 and P232, respectively, when the toll hike is implemented.

The TRB had granted SLTC the authority to operate the SLEX through a toll operation certificate dated Nov. 27, 2009.    

Willie Revillame versus ABS-CBN

Yesterday, TV host Willie Revillame announced in a  movie press at Annabel’s Restaurant (Quezon City) with his lawyers Leonardo de Vera and Ferdinand Domingo: “I’m rescinding my contract with ABS-CBN,” Willie’s contract is good until Sept. 2011. This is his first time to come out in the open since he was said to be suspended Wowowee last May. Willie Revillame is ready to face ABS-CBN in court following his announcement to rescind his contract with the network. He even joked that he might start a new TV show titled "Willing Willie" or "Wil na Wil."
Willie said that "Basta gusto ko bago mag-Pasko kung saan man ay may programa na ako. Kung saan man, gusto ko talaga na ganoon. Kung ano ang mangyari sa akin ay gagawan ko ng paraan ‘yon,"
In a letter to Eugenio “Gabby” Lopez, ABS-CBN Chairman of the Board, signed by Willie and his lawyers, Willie said that his decision is justified by ABS-CBN’s breach of its obligations to him under his contract with the company “and its consequences which, according to their nature, should be in keeping with good faith, usage and law; and the unjust imposition of unauthorized penalties,” as follows:
1. Suspension without pay.

2. Unilateral cancellation of the Wowowee Program due to reason not attributable to me. The Wowowee Program became successful because of me, as the host/creative force. The ratings, in fact, fell because I was taken out as Host.

3. Unilateral downgrading of m y program from three (3) hours daily (Monday to Saturday) or eighteen (18) hours weekly to one (1) hour weekly or seventeen (17) hours less.

4. Being placed on probation to a weekly programs without assurance to reinstatement to daily programming.

5. Unilateral downgrading of my appearance from a “live” to a “pre-recorded” program, which constitutes prior restraint and censorship.

6. Due to 2 and 3 above, I was, and will be, deprived of my earning from “in-show” product endorsements which have become part of my compensation as a talent of the Company.

7. Deliberate sabotage of my image by the Company by airing, or allowing to be aired, destructive pieces against me, instead of promoting me as a talent of the company.

8. Abuse of right by the Company under a one-sided contract of adhesion, purposely intended to destroy my career and humiliate me, which is not in keeping with good faith, usage and law.

9. Refusing to salvage the Wowowee Program by reinstating me as Host when the rating started to decline with different trial hosts who did not generate the same viewership of 22-23 percent under my watch.

10. To continue to work under the proposed probation, censorship and prior restraint constitutes involuntary servitude.
But ABS-CBN insisted that Willie's contract is still effective until September of 2011 and was the one who violated his contract's behavioral provisions. He did in fact threatened the ABS-CBN management during the May 4, 2010 episode of Wowowee. He said that he would resign of the management does not fire a certain artist of the same network. ABS-CBN also said that Willie has no right to invalidate their contract because he was the one who violated it.

"ABS-CBN is the aggrieved party, and as such, is the only one that can decide to end the agreement."

Wowowee is Better than Pilipinas Win na Win!

The new noontime television program “Pilipinas Win Na Win” made its grand debut show on Saturday. “Pilipinas Win na Win” is hosted by Kris Aquino and action star Robin Padilla. Former “Wowowee” female hosts Pokwang, Valerie Concepcion and Mariel Rodriguez are also hosts on the new show.

During the show's first airing, the hosts revealed the many games and prizes in store for contestants.But even with all of this I can still feel something is missing. Maybe because the feel of “Pilipinas Win Na Win” still feels like “Wowowee.” As expected, management took advantage of the said relationship of
Robin and Mariel.

Personally, I hate the new show. I hate the show's name. I find it boring and the songs aren't even that catchy. The new hosts are not good and they don't even feel the song they're singing. And worst is they put Kris Aquino. I think her time as a game show host is over. She's so boring on the show. Even Robin is boring. They should have put "Showtime" as the noontime show instead. Or at least change the hosts! Then again, abs-cbn management knows best. I really wish everything goes well with the show.:)

How I wish Willie Revillame's Wowowee would return he would win in his fight with ABS-CBN.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ghagra Choli Indian Party wear Dress

Ghagra Choli Indian Party wear Dress
Ghagra Choli Indian Party wear Dress
Photoshop art of a Fashion Model posing in Party wear Ghagra Choli Dress


Art is spirituality in drag.
~ Jennifer Yane

Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.
~ Maya Angelou, Gather Together in My Name

A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.
~ Eudora Welty

The camera can photograph thought.
~ Dirk Bogarde

Reflexes and instincts are not pretty. It is their decoration that initiates art.
~ Martin H. Fischer

Titan Quest Game Wallpaper

Titan Quest Game Wallpaper
Titan Quest Game Wallpaper
Titan Quest Game Wallpaper


Were it not for music, we might in these days say, the Beautiful is dead.
~ Benjamin Disraeli

What was any art but a mould in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose.
~ Willa Cather

Music is what feelings sound like.
~ Author Unknown

An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.
~ George Santayana

WWE Diva Ivory aka Lisa Moretti

WWE Diva Ivory aka Lisa Moretti
WWE Diva Ivory aka Lisa Moretti
Photoshop art of WWE Diva Ivory aka Lisa Moretti


If I ever die of a heart attack, I hope it will be from playing my stereo too loud.
~ Anonymous

Art is like a border of flowers along the course of civilization.
~ Lincoln Steffens

I think the best pictures are often on the edges of any situation, I don't find photographing the situation nearly as interesting as photographing the edges.
~ William Albert Allard, "The Photographic Essay"

There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.
~ Ansel Adams

Zamboanga Airport Bombing

There was a bomb explosion in  Zamboanga International Airport in the southern Philippines. A police official said that one person was killed, while three others were wounded when a bomb exploded at the arrival area of the Zamboanga International Airport this thursday. One of the injured was Gov. Sakur Tan of Sulu.

Chief Superintendent Edwin Corvera, chief of the Police Regional Office-9, says that investigators suspect that the one killed was the one carrying the improvised explosive device (IED).
