Thursday, May 5, 2011

Justin Bieber Egg Attack at Sydney Australia Concert

Justin Bieber was attacked by eggs! Apparently an Australian didn't like Justin Bieber's voice and threw eggs at him while he was performing "One Time" at Sydney, Australia. Lucky for Bieber the eggs missed him by few inches. There were 6 eggs dropped and 2 almost hit one of the dancers and 4 almost hit Bieber.

Reports say that an Australian male teenager broke into the roof of the Acer arena where Bieber was performing. His purpose was really to throw eggs at Bieber. He was later charged by Australian police with breaking and entering, trespass and malicious damage. He was bailed and will be expected to appear at a children's court on June 2. Maybe some Bieber fan would throw eggs at him too.

Seems like people just wants to make a scene. Back in 2009, a guy threw a water bottle at him. I'm not a fan but kudos to Justin Bieber for continuing the concert even with that egg interruption. After the song he took a short break and waited the stage to be cleaned up and made Aussies happy.

Here's the short clip/video of the egg throwing from

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